Stacy Quackenbush, Third Academy: Education at the speed of technology!
Education at the speed of technology!
“We are not just teaching technology, we are using technology
to advance the way we teach”.
— Stacy Quackenbush (CEO, Third Academy)
“We are not just teaching technology, we are using technology
to advance the way we teach”.
— Stacy Quackenbush (CEO, Third Academy)
About Third Academy
What happens when you leverage the power of web3 to radically transform higher-ed?
What happens when you leverage the power of web3 to radically transform higher-ed?
Introducing Third Academy, a blockchain-based web3 education platform with social capabilities, professional profiles, Soulbound NFT credentialing, and a wallet-based recruiter matching system.
Their platform is launching soon and is a gamechanger to furthering skills acquisition and life-long learning.
Third Academy’s integrated metaverse campuses offers expanded educational experiences featuring conferences, workshops, hackathons, pitch contests, webinars, job fairs, and co-working spaces.
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